Today is the last day of David’s 3 week European tour. It’s not the longest he has been gone, but it’s the longest he has gone without seeing Poppy and they are both really starting to miss each other. The other night I showed Poppy a photo of his face on my phone and she got so excited, kissed it, and then got really sad, it was so sweet and heartbreaking. But it’s really fun to watch them Skype, she gets really excited to say Hi and show him the new tricks that she has learned. David has toured since I met him, and I have always loved that. The touring life has been appealing to me since I was about 13. I have loved every tour that I have done with him and we plan to do a bit later this spring/summer. Friends are often surprised that I feel totally fine with him being gone for long trips and I think that If I wasn’t just as passionate as he is about what he is doing then I probably wouldn’t be as happy to be at home alone with a baby every night. But, I really am fine with it and actually enjoy my time alone. I’m a pretty independent person and I’m very good at keeping myself busy which is evident if you come to my house often, while davids gone there are projects happening all over the place. It’s also really fun to get to miss each other and get excited to see each other again. I love picking him up from the airport, and It feel so “fresh” for the first while when he is home. I’m looking forward to that this week!
^ Poppy Skyping with dada.
Showing him that she can find her tummy.