Thank you for visiting! I have currently taken a step back from social media and blogging. But I did want to leave our blog posts about Goldie up here on the site, all other posts have been archived for now. Love Bethany

love letters

Last night David and I were at my parents house to watch the new episode of Breaking Bad (we don’t have cable, and we were too anxious to wait for it on apple tv). We went upstairs to my old bedroom in their house and we’re looking through all the stuff we kept from when we were dating; Birthday cards, letters, photos. I love going back through that stuff and remembering the feelings and giddyness from that time! It made us realize that we don’t really write eachother letters anymore, and we used to alwayssss write letters. Mostly because we were apart alot when David was touring. 

David leaves for tour this friday, so I spent the morning in bed writing some letters for him to read while he’s away. I got three done this morning, but I’ll try to do a few more this week so that they last a while! 

Letters are special, I think that we don’t really get to express everything that we feel without writing it. 

Write your boy a letter! 


  1. September 3, 2013 / 2:45 am

    Letters are SO special. My husband is in the military so often letters are our only source of communication. I've turned them into books and one of our favorite things is to go through them together. And I can't even describe the feeling I get seeing his handwriting when I check the mail. It's second only to him actually coming home.
    Cool envelopes! Did you make them?

  2. September 3, 2013 / 2:45 am

    Letters are SO special. My husband is in the military so often letters are our only source of communication. I've turned them into books and one of our favorite things is to go through them together. And I can't even describe the feeling I get seeing his handwriting when I check the mail. It's second only to him actually coming home.
    Cool envelopes! Did you make them?

  3. September 3, 2013 / 5:39 pm

    oh, this is so sweet. is it funny that this makes me excited for the day when I have someone to write letters too? because it does haha

  4. September 3, 2013 / 5:39 pm

    oh, this is so sweet. is it funny that this makes me excited for the day when I have someone to write letters too? because it does haha

  5. September 23, 2013 / 8:30 pm

    how did you make those envelopes? They are gorgeous

  6. September 23, 2013 / 8:30 pm

    how did you make those envelopes? They are gorgeous