Thank you for visiting! I have currently taken a step back from social media and blogging. But I did want to leave our blog posts about Goldie up here on the site, all other posts have been archived for now. Love Bethany

Painting with Poppy

A friend of mine had the idea to have her 1 year old paint a piece of paper and then cut it into Thank You cards after her first birthday. I thought that it was such a sweet idea so tonight I put Poppy in the bathtub with paint brushes and let her go for it (I made her keep her soother in her mouth to distract eating it all). It was really fun to watch her, she loved it, and then we rinsed off in a colourful shower after. 

^ I love this one! Just an artist looking at her work. 

^ “Oh hey, these paint brushes would fit perfectly in this drain!”